3892 results

Petzl Lynx Modular Crampons
These modular crampons for ice and mixed climbing feature LEVERLOCK UNIVERSEL bindings. With......
Petzl Canyon Guide Harness
To feel the air beneath our feet and ride nature's slides we strap into the Canyon Guide Harness. With...
Petzl Volta 9.2 Mm X 60 M Dry Climbing Rope
Built for climbs in cold, wet conditions, the Petzl Paso 7.7 dry climbing rope is a lightweight......
Petzl 7.7Mm X 70M Paso Guide Climbing Rope
Thin and very lightweight, the Paso Guide 7.7 mm rope is designed for intensive use in ice......
Petzl Dart Modular Crampons
Technical and lightweight, DART crampons are designed for ice climbing, mixed climbing and dry......
Petzl Duo Z2 Headlamp
Face your obstacles head on with Petzl's Duo Z2 Durable 430 Lumens Headlamp--designed for maneuvering...
Petzl Lynx Crampon
Customize Petzl's Lynx Crampon to suit any ice or mixed climb you go on, as well as any boot you want to...