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It's Time To Be Spider-Man: He's Earned It. Your young one. He's probably a lot like Peter Parker during his school days. Like Spider-Man not suited up in his superhero costume, he feels empathy for his fellow students who are struggling with school challenges or are coping with out-of-school issues or both. Chances are, at his age, he bounces back from his own ups and downs. Just ask Peter Parker whose life changed when he was bitten by a radioactive spider. With spider-power, see your son act out the attributes of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Fun Details Before bedtime, allow your son to don this Kids' Spiderman two-piece loungewear set and see him unleash his imagination! He can act out the personality and attributes of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. The shirt is styled to look like a t-shirt over a long-sleeve shirt. The black sweatpants feature cuffs at the ankles. 100 percent polyester, the Spider-Man logo displayed on both pieces. An Inspiring Changeover Spider-Man continues to be a popular and successful comic-book figure. It's easy to understand why kids are fascinated with the changeover between Peter Parker and Spider-Man, and from both, finding genuine inspiration.

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