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Dinosaur! Dinosaur! Ancient enemy of man! You will pay for your destructive tendencies! You will pay for our travail! Here's the million dollar question that we've been asking ourselves ever since we saw that one amazing episode of the Nickelodeon show, Rugrats: When are they going to make Broadway adaptation of Reptar on Ice? It has action, excitement and a riveting love story. It also has a dinosaur and some kids on the ice. What else could you want in a stage production? Alas, no such production has come around that we know of, but at least this officially licensed Rugrats shirt can help sate our need for more Reptar. The black Reptar shirt is made out of cotton and it comes with an image of the big green dinosaur on the front. It's great for anyone who loves Rugrats, dinosaurs, or ice skating performances based on completely ludicrous premises!

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