Retail Price: $699.95
Current Price: $699.95
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Originally called the Sin 7 in the ever-popular 7 Series, Rossignol most likely changed this ski's name to the Sky 7 because the sky's the limit when it comes to this freerider. Big enough for powder, skinny enough for groomers, and light enough for the backcountry, the Sky 7 HD truly excels wherever you choose to grace your ski skills that day. The Sky 7 gleans its versatility from a 95mm waist width that's not too fat to handle hardpack days, nor too skinny to float the occasional knee-deep pow; it sits right in the middle of powdery beefiness and speedy skinniness. Its Powder Turn Rocker profile certainly enhances this ski's versatility, with plenty of camber underfoot to hold an edge on frontside groomers and a rockered tip and tail to navigate the soft stuff.

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