Retail Price: $589.99
Current Price: $353.99
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Pick out that technical line down an exposed and rocky face from the lift knowing that the Rome Blur Snowboard is the proper tool to ride it. This directional all-mountain board thrives in off-piste snow conditions and tight terrain due to its powerful edge hold, quick maneuverability, and stability at speeds. This combination of control and stability is made possible by the Fusion Camber profile that blends camber from contact point to contact point with rocker out to the tip and tail. This combination is powerful on edge thanks to the camber section, while the short rocker sections make it easy to break free for quick pivoting turns. These short rocker sections also help you easily float over deep and snow and handle post storm chop. The stability at high speeds is created by the directional shape and stiff flex that lets you power through chunder and have confidence in your edges no matter how fast you are going.

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