Retail Price: $4.49
Current Price: $4.49
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With a sturdy plastic Size #2 S-Biner on one end and a tough, flexible 12" Gear Tie on the other, the Nite IzeGear Tie Clippable Twist Tie 12" creates a tangle-free way to organize, store and transport even the most unwieldy, unstorable items. Wrap the Gear Tie around everything from power cords and dog leashes to camping lanterns and flashlights, then clip to a hook to store them securely and conveniently. Or, clip the S-Biner to anything with a D-ring or loop and wrap the Gear Tie around bars, hooks, or handles - it works both ways! You can also use the Clippable Twist Tie to attach smaller items of every shape to luggage, racks, and backpacks, keeping them conveniently accessible and your hands free. Gear Tie Technology: Tough rubber shell provides excellent grip virtually anywhere, but won't scratch or mark Strong internal wire that holds its shape Quick and easy to securely attach and detach UV resista

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