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PLAYFULNESS IN THE POWDER AND PRECISION IN THE PISTE - THE K2 MINDBENDER 99TI 2020 SKI.Enjoy quick, agile power with these versatile skis. The K2 Mindbender 99Ti 2020 Ski offers you a fun and playful ride in the powder or a smooth and precise experience on piste. The all-terrain rocker provides power and control in a variety of positions, while the lightweight core is energetic, tough, and resilient all in one. FEATURESAll-Terrain Rocker GCo Skis with All-Terrain rocker have a gradual rise to the tip for great versatility in all conditions, with a short, low rise in the tail for added control variable snow.Torsion Control Design GCo Designed to enhance stability and control in all snow types, Torsion Control Design combines a progressive torsional flex with a balanced and even longitudinal profile. Torsionally stiffest in the forebody and center of the ski, then easing throughout the tail, K2 skis with TCD have both precise, accurate turn initiation and smooth, consistent turn release in all snow types.Maple GCo Energetic, tough, dense wood that absorbs impact.Aspen GCo Lightweight and resilient, great all-around material.Ti Y-Beam GCo K2GCOs Ti Y-Beam delivers precision in the forebody of the ski, power under foot and stability in the tail, all while maintaining the maneuverability and drift control needed for freeride ripping. Precision cut Titanal in a GC YGCO shape alters the torsional stiffness of the ski while maintaining a balanced, even flex pattern that delivers power in a controlled manner throughout the length of the ski.PowerWall GCo Power transfer is dramatically enhanced with the oversized ABS sidewalls that are laminated and pocketed within the wood core in the midbody of the ski. With the sidewall extending into the heart of the ski, the transmission of energy from skier to ski edge is direct and precise.TECH SPECSWe recommend a brake width equal to or at most 15 mm wider than the ski waist width.

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