Retail Price: $699.95
Current Price: $699.95
Buy It Now! | K2 Skis > Imagine a big twin hull surfing a double overhead day in Hawaii and you won't be far off the mark - the K2 Catamaran Skis make two feet of fresh seem like you're riding a wave, and you won't even have to paddle out. Floaty, surfy and able to pivot on a dime, a pair of K2 Catamaran Skis is a tool you'll want in your quiver for the real deep days when you just can't help but have a good time out there - forwards or backwards. Ride confidently knowing that you've got Carbon Boost Braids under foot for power and rebound when the getting is good. TwinTech Sidewalls A durable sidewall construction originally developed for twin tip skis that makes the top edges more resistant to ski vs. ski impact damage Asymmetric Tip and Tail Exaggerated taper on the outside edge only, giving the ski a surfy, playful feel, while maintaining stability and flotation with a longer effective inside edge. Carbon Boost Braid Longitudinal carbon stringers woven into the K2 | K2 Catamaran Skis 2020

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