Retail Price: $549.95
Current Price: $549.95
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Don't be fooled by appearancesa"the Jones Hovercraft Snowboard is much more than a single-minded pow surfer. Sure, it glides across the deepest snow imaginable with ease, but it also charges over chunder, weaves through trees, and rails carves on hardpack, too. If you want a combination of supreme float and rally car-like handling, then this is the board for you. Camber underfoot provides edge hold and stability on hardpack, while a long rockered nose keeps it afloat effortlessly in powder and the short tail makes it highly maneuverable in deep snow. Working like the hull of a ship, the 3D-contoured nose adds a spoon-like shape to the front of the board that pushes snow out to the side, not only enhancing float, but also improving speed so you don't get bogged down in flatter zones. When the powder gets tracked out later in the day, Traction Tech edges help you maintain edge hold, and the bamboo topsheet soaks up chatter for less strain on your already tired legs.

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