Retail Price: $1,498.95
Current Price: $1,498.95
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From the powder fields of the Wasatch to your January Japan trip, reach for the DPS Powderworks Lotus T138 Skis when you're hungry for that fresh fresh snow. This dreamy pair of sticks was made with the deep stuff in mind, boasting full rocker and a wow-worth width underfoot--138mm of float with a 146mm shovel up front. Its camber-free profile delivers smear-worthy playfulness that joins forces with a large turn radius, practically begging for big mountain lines and wide open spaces. As part of the Powderworks line, the Lotus T138 features a Powderworks Tour construction--space-age foam core reinforced by a pure prepreg carbon fiber laminate. This powerful combination keeps them light enough for the skintrack, yet damp and stable for the downhill ride.

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