Retail Price: $49.99
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We've had our troops out in the desert for years trying to track down the perfect droid to help us out for some of the greatest looks in the galaxy, but we find that they keep running into trouble. Just when we're sure that they've found exactly the droid that we're looking for, some old guy tells them, "No, these are not the droids you're looking for," and they just wander off as though old dudes are the ones with all the answers! Well, that might typically be true, but it turns out that this particular one was totally wrong. The cute little blue guy with the bleeps and the dweeps was the precise look that we've been trying to put together. Fortunately, we realized that having our troops walking around in the desert wearing glossy white armor wasn't the most welcoming of sights. Did you know there are other troops that wear almost identical uniforms and spend their time setting of blaster fireworks? (Even if they miss everything?) Well, egg on our face. But, as they say, better late than never. And, now, we have this Deluxe R2D2 costume that will make your toddler bleep with joy. The officially licensed velour-like jumpsuit has the recognizable detailing of our most beloved and loyal droid all over and features a pullover hood that will give your tyke the dome that only Artoo could have! You also need not fear the inquisition of those other troopers as we've made sure not to include the holographic projection of secret blueprints of galactic death star ships. Frankly, that just seemed like overboard for an adorable look!

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