Retail Price: $39.99
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THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS If you've been born or brought into the mob, you might assume that your future is set. You're going to have some fancy clothes and a pretty impressive and frightening family that will ensure every moment from here on is a total win. But, there are going to be many expectations! You have to not only be able to act the part of the mighty mobster, but you'll need to look the part too. And, these guys are all about details. You can't show up in a refined tie and jacket and be clomping around in your work boots! FUN DETAILS Fortunately, we have the perfect set of shoes to keep you in high society even if you happen to be dealing with a few lowlives! These Deluxe Gangster Shoes for Men are the perfect accessory for you thanks to their black rubber soles and non-slip texture and their tuxedo styled design. You can't go slipping around when you're making your escape! SO COMFY, IT IS CRIMINAL It isn't like you became a mobster because you wanted a life of boredom and common living! You've already done the work to elevate your look to get the don to approve, so you might as well finish off your feet, too! (The concrete shoes are not the option you want!)

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