Retail Price: $699.00
Current Price: $699.00
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Traveling the country or the world seeking flowing ribbons of beautiful singletrack is a dream come true. Flying with your trusty steed, and the nagging worry about damage from mishandling sounds a bit more like a nightmare. Hard travel cases generally offer good protection, but they are bulky, heavy, and not so easy to store. On the flip side, many soft cases don't offer enough protection to resist being thrown around by careless baggage handlers. Db's Savage Bike Travel Bag offers a solution via a unique "roll cage" design that offers near hard-case level protection for your mountain or drop-bar road bike, along with practical features that further improve protection and simplify the process of packing up your bike. The heart of the Savage bike bag is the Db Roll Cage, which is an internal aluminum frame that shields your bike from impact and pressure loads, while providing tensile strength and structural support to the bag. The roll cage is lightweight and can be quickly disassembled without tools, allowing the bag to be compressed to 35% of its normal size for storage. As for packing your bike, the process is simplified by the removable "bike block" that lets you prepare the bike on the side of the bag without interference from the bag itself. The bike block then locks your bike into place at the base of the roll cage, and your frame is securely fastened to the roll cage by sturdy buckle straps, centering the bike in the bag and preventing it from being jostled side to side. Protective elements include separate wheel compartments with rigid construction to shield your wheels and rotors from damage. A removable fork sleeve provides 360-degree protection to your suspension fork as well as your detached handlebars, which slide into a separate pocket of the fork sleeve, parallel to your fork. Another padded sleeve slides onto the other side of the handlebars to protect your brake lever and shifter, as well as keeping them from scratching up your frame. An inter...

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