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Wake Up With Magic In Your Cup No matter how early you retire for the evening, the morning arrives sooner than anticipated. Suddenly, the alarm clock perched on your nightstand is frantically ringing signaling that it's time to rise and get ready for the day. Before brushing your teeth, washing your face, and choosing an outfit for a day, it's imperative that one consumes at least a couple gulps of a caffeinated beverage AKA a cup of coffee is a morning must, and not just any cup of coffee will do. Radiate pure magical brilliance all throughout the day by pouring a large cup of joe into this color-changing unicorn mug. Take a sip and poof--eye bags will disappear and suddenly you'll be granted the type of energy required to run a marathon! FUN Details Perfect for fans of unique character drinkware, this molded mug is perfectly crafted to look like a unicorn. Featuring a lovely color-changing mane, a lush set of eyelashes, and a pointed horn, this mug can be filled with 10 oz of liquid. Fill it up with the hot beverage of your choosing and watch the rainbow mane change right before your very eyes. Please note this mug can banish grogginess but it doesn't stand a chance up against a dishwasher, so please, hand-wash only to maintain the magical appearance. Unicorn Collection If unicorns are your spirit animal then collect unicorn everything. We have a unicorn snow tube, pool float, and a paper clip holder that you'll love.

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