Retail Price: $215.00
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Campagnolo's new EPS V2 Power Unit and EPS V2 Interface are both essential to the digital operation of EPS -- the EPS V2 Interface Unit is the direct user link to the brains of the system. It translates the thoughts of the most sophisticated electronic shifting system in the world, converting them into a language we can all understand. Campagnolo has designed a beautifully functional user interface that has the capability to monitor every aspect of the EPS. The EPS V2 Interface monitors the flow of information throughout the EPS, and operates in constant communication with the Digital Tech Intelligence (DTI) that is housed in the Power Unit. The EPS Interface translates analogical signal from the EPS Ergopower Shift Levers, and converts the information into binary code in order to share it with the Power Unit. In turn, it takes information from the Power Unit like battery power levels and system anomalies, and communicates them to you via an RGB LED light display. The EPS V2 Interface allows the user to conduct the initial settings procedures, as well as monitor and manage the EPS Ride Settings. To allow easy positioning for an onboard cycling computer, Campagnolo designed the V2 Interface to be positioned either on the stem or attached to the brake cable. The Campagnolo EPS V2 Interface is only compatible with the Campagnolo EPS shift system. Please note: The V2 Interface is compatible with both the first generation Power Unit and the new EPS V2 Power Unit.

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