Retail Price: $49.95
Current Price: $49.95
Buy It Now! | Black Diamond Headlamps > Made to be small, bright, and comfortable, the Black Diamond Sprint 225 Headlamp is a storm proof rechargeable best friend for marathoners, joggers, and everyday runners. Switch it to max power for early morning starts, adjust the purpose-made elastic headband for epic and reliable comfort while on-the-go, and get your mileage fix no matter the weather. The low-profile design means it fits in small pockets and is barely noticeable on your head. Lithium Ion Rechargeable Max Burn Time 2.5 Hours Emits up to 225 Lumens on Max Setting Six-setting 3 LED Battery Meter Vari-width Elastic Headband Purpose-built for Running | Black Diamond Sprint 225 Headlamp 2022

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