Retail Price: $699.95
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The Helio 105 is Black Diamond's most popular choice for backcountry touring, and the Recon built upon the original Helio with a beefier, stiffer flex. This special edition version of the Helio Recon 105 Ski styles a top sheet featuring aerial photography of Icelandic waterways. Instead of carbon found in the original Helio 105, the Helio Recon uses triaxial fiberglass to stiffen the flex. That's not to say it's too heavy for touring; this Recon model maintains a trim seven pound weight that's more than suitable for a long skin up steep mountains. It simply styles the same shape, sidewalls, and vibration-damping technology as the original Helio, except a stiffer flex and a poppier wood core make the Recon a more aggressive choice for laying down turns at faster speeds, and digging into firmer snow a bit better.

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