Retail Price: $209.00
Current Price: $209.00
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Babolat Pure Aero Team 2019 Tennis Racquets : The Babolat Pure Aero 2019 line of tennis racquets is bringing in updates to enhance a player's game even further and the Babolat Pure Aero Team is amongst the pack. AEROMODULAR technology in the new frames offers an optimized design that helps increase the racquet head speed. Other improvements include the open string pattern and oblong shaped grommets that provide access to even more spin. Players will appreciate the improved feel and vibration dampening from a new material powered by SMAC and integrated within the racquet's graphite at the 3 and 9 o'clock positions on the frame. Lastly, this frame offers optimal stability and precision thanks to new carbon fibers created by Chomarat that have been added to the racquet's core. Offers exceptional spin and power. Features Babolat Syntec Pro grip. Ideal for junior level and intermediate level players.

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