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Original Karate Goodness We understand why there are so many reboots happening nowadays. Yeah, alright, so Hollywood probably has run out of ideas, but the main reason is that those original movies were gold. Ghostbusters? Comedy genius. Star Trek? Science fiction delight. And, of course, they had to go back to the original tale of Mr. Miyagi and his student, Daniel-san. We're not going to bash any of these new versions, but we will argue on a single point: the originals were always better. The Karate Kid is no exception. There's something so gratifying about the first time the story is told. About a newcomer overcoming a bully by channeling his strength and skill in karate combat... we're getting excited just talking about it. So excited, we're going to pull out this Karate Kid Clothed Action Figure Tournament 2 Pack. These 8-inch figures are based on the 1984 original feature, with a Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence in their karate uniforms with floormat and trophy. It's perfect for reliving that original match. Now Daniel can just get into crane pose and...

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