Retail Price: $80.00
Current Price: $60.00
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If you're a multi-sport athlete, you know all too well how fatigued your muscles can become after tackling contrasting workouts in a short time span. Whether you're cross-training at the gym or working through a grueling brick workout to prepare for your next tri, the 2XU Elite MCS Compression Shorts were designed to give your muscles some well-deserved support, wrapping them with PWX FLEX compression and breathable Invista Lycra. The Elite MCS targets your quads and abductors specifically, helping improve circulation and limit repeated muscle oscillations to slow down fatigue and reduce post-workout soreness. They don't include a chamois, so unless you have a thin liner, we wouldn't recommend them on the bike, but leaving them on after a running or fitness workout or putting them on after a tough ride is a great way to extend their recovery benefits.

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