Retail Price: $149.95
Current Price: $149.95
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The Sierra Designs Frontcountry Bed 35 Degree Synthetic will have you sleeping so well at camp that you won't even miss your bed at home. Cozy up into the plush bag, complete with a comforter flap, and experience the spaciousness of the rectangular shape. If the night turns chillier than expected, the insulated arm and hand pockets trap in your body heat. For warmer nights, utilize the foot vent to let some of that warm air out so you can stay cool. You won't end up with zippers poking your body as you toss and turn, thanks to the Frontcountry bed's zipperless design. And, since the bed features an integrated sleeping pad sleeve, you'll never wake up on the hard ground with your sleeping pad on the other end of your tent.

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