Retail Price: $359.95
Current Price: $215.97
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If you're hooked on snowboarding but don't have a lot of loot, the Ride Women's Rapture Snowboard delivers one of the best values for up-and-comers seeking a board that inspires you to ride at every available opportunity without it being aggressive or unwieldy. The Rapture's softer flex pattern and balanced twin shape inspire confidence, regardless if you're linking up turns on the bunny hill or dropping into cruiser runs winding down from the upper mountain. It's entirely flat underfoot, maintaining stability and solid edge hold for beginners honing their skills. At the tip and tail, the rocker zones uplift the contact points from catching on the snow, which is one of the biggest issues facing beginners with limited carving skills. Seeing the Rapture is predominately made for beginners, it's packing a full aspen wood core that's both smooth and soft flexing. Biax fiberglass ensures a softer torsional feel that's ideal for learning to turn and dialing in tricks without excess stiffness holding you back. Ride's signature Slimewalls dampen impact and vibration from bucking you off-balance, thanks to the softer urethane embedded sidewalls. Futhermore, there's an extruded base that glides quickly without regular waxing, which is nice if you only get your board tuned sporadically throughout the season.

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