Retail Price: $129.99
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When you start wearing the Garmin Vivosmart HR Activity Tracker, don't be surprised if you start referring to it as a person, jumping up out of your chair to tell your coworkers, friends, or family that "Vivo" just said you've been sitting for too long and need to get up. It sounds crazy, but this all-day fitness tracker will change the way you think about your everyday physical activity, encouraging you to stay consistently active throughout the day rather than being focused on detailed metrics from one high-intensity workout at a time. Since this is the Vivosmart HR, you'll have the added convenience of a built-in optical heart rate monitor measuring your BPM from your wrist, rather than from a clunky strap around your chest. As you go about your day, keep an eye on your heart rate to see how it changes, and feel free to take it along with you on runs or walks without needing to swap to a different fitness watch. Based on the CDC's recommended 150 minutes of physical activity per week, the Vivosmart files your workouts and will let you know if you haven't reached your daily or weekly goals. In addition to calculating your steps, the Vivosmart HR will also compute how many flights of stairs you've climbed, translating more exciting pursuits like an afternoon hike into a relatable metric. While you walk, you'll be able to stay abreast of smartphone notifications too, with the Vivosmart HR's screen giving you enough info to allow you to sort between trivial and important notifications so you can avoid being glued to your phone during your workout.

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