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Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) is an aromatic spice that awakens the appetite and supports healthy digestion without aggravating pitta. It supports balanced stomach acid levels and the downward flow of energy in the GI tract. This helps pacify vata and pitta, and promotes a comfortable post-meal experience. Cardamom removes excess kapha from the stomach and supports healthy mucus levels in the body. It also eliminates kapha from the lungs, supporting clear, comfortable breathing. In The Yoga of Herbs, Doctors Lad and Frawley write that cardamom "stimulates the mind and heart and gives clarity and joy."* Herbal tablets that contain Cardamom include:Healthy Vata, Heart Formula, Immune Support, Kanchanar Guggulu, Lung Formula, Mental Clarity, Pitta Digest, Stress Ease, Women's Support, Yogaraj Guggulu Other products that contain Cardamom include:Avipattikar powder, Chyavanprash, Easy Digest liquid extract, Kanchanar Guggulu powder, Mahanarayan Oil, Sitopaladi powder, Talisadi powder, Yogaraj Guggulu powder

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